人工知能、ロボット工学、スマートホーム、スマート カー、IoT などの時代の大きな流れが、スピード、規模、信頼性などの高まるニーズに応えて進化するにつれ、集積回路 (IC)メーカーはプロセッサの電力効率とメモリ容量の拡張を余儀なくされています。これを達成するために、加工寸法が微細化し、プロセスの複雑化が進み、汚染と欠陥がより大きくデバイス性能に影響するようになっています。
This paper takes a closer look at ways to more comprehensively meet increasing purity specifications throughout chemical and device manufacturing.
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As logic devices go to smaller line widths, 3D NAND architectures increase layers, and DRAM memory density increases, sensitivity to contamination and defects have a greater impact on device performance. To achieve optimum wafer yield and reliability, the microelectronics industry needs to address the increased materials consumption requirements and material purity challenges from chemical manufacture to point of use.
Glass bottles were the standard for storing, transporting, and dispensing chemistries for semiconductor device manufacturing. increasing concern over safety as fabs become larger and more automated, has sparked the industry to develop glass container alternatives.
To ensure a consistent chemical supply that meets the highest purity requirements of the semiconductor industry, look to our end-to-end chemical handling, transport, and delivery system solutions that satisfy regulatory requirements for purity and safety.
The solution to maintaining a safe and contamination-controlled chemical delivery environment in the fab is to seek out simplified single-sourced chemical packaging, filtration, and handling products that will increase product yield and reduce financial loss. While it may seem insignificant, the right clean chemical delivery pump can make or break the entire chain.