Join Us | Booth 1119
This year, Entegris is highlighting the technologies that help life sciences producers create efficiencies, prevent contamination, and conserve valuable resources. We’ll be displaying our new line of filters for the life sciences industry, freeze/thaw solutions, and a new mixing system. Meet our experts and learn how you can utilize our solutions to create a new or update an existing workflow.
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Entegris offers filtration implementation and on-going support by helping select filters, troubleshoot workflows, and scale bioprocessing steps. We are committed to providing continuous support for your single-use needs and integration into critical processing step.
Protect and Preserve Your Cell and Gene Therapy Product in Freeze/Thaw, Storage, and Shipment
Through our 2D bag material selection, designs, and secondary protective shells, Aramus™ assemblies can substantially reduce the risks associated with cell and gene therapy storage and transport.